
Issue-Based Initiatives

WHC collaborates with corporations, communities, NGOs and government agencies to advance nature-based solutions for biodiversity. Read about our current initiatives.

Black Hills Gold
Building and Nature WHC

Nature Steward Alliance

Conceived and developed by leading life sciences and healthcare companies, including Avantor, Corning, Cytiva, GSK and MilliporeSignma (the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany), in partnership with WHC. The Nature Steward Alliance is an industry-focused collaborative effort with goals to: advance nature and biodiversity awareness and education; empower conservation actions; and promote long-term company sustainability practices. 

WHC Climate Action Works

The WHC Climate Action Works initiative, launched in October 2019 with funding from ArcelorMittal, helps corporate landowners utilize nature-based climate change solutions that are corporate-driven, community-minded, and biodiversity-based. Climate Action Works seeks to create a framework in which corporate leaders can view their lands as contributing to their science-based climate targets and take action in accordance with these targets. 

Climate Amazon

Across Fence Lines – Urban Forestry Initiative

Across Fence Lines seeks to connect corporate conservation, forestry groups, and community partners to local, regional and national goals for urban and community forestry. With funding from USFS Urban and Community Forestry Program, the Road Map for Engagement, Decision Tree, and Toolkits will inspire action and guide implementation of community-first efforts for forestry.