
Valles "El Abra" y "Caliza" (México)

Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

Certified Gold through 2026

Project Name
Project Type
Programa de Restauración Ambiental Comunitaria
Awareness & Community Engagement
Espacio de Preservación y Educación Ambiental Cantera de arcilla Planta Valles
Wetlands & Water Bodies
El refugio de los antófilos
Aprendiendo en el taller del "Vivero CEMEX"
Aves en el espacio de Preservación CEMEX
About the Program
The Cemex Planta Valles "El Abra" y "Caliza" program is located at the Cemex facility in Nuevo León, Mexico. The site is located near the Sierra del Abra Tanchipa protected biosphere reserve. The Cemex team is working to transform a 13-acre wetland area that was previously neglected into a safe refuge for wildlife through removal of invasive species and trash cleanups. The company created a pollinator garden landscape onsite in 2019, which has now been expanded to cover over 12 acres. The garden features native and endemic species of plants chosen specifically for their compatibility with soil and irrigation conditions and value to pollinators. The team also leads a participatory environmental education program with local schools that trains young people to be environmental leaders in their communities, evaluates community attitudes and supports restoration projects. Cemex's initiatives are aligned with national and regional efforts led by CONANP, CONBIO and SEMARNAT. 

Practices and Impacts
  • The team performs maintenance and monitoring in the pollinator garden throughout the year. Since the project began, the team has recorded 62 species of insects, 23 species of birds including hummingbirds and four species of reptiles and amphibians.
  • The year-round PRAC program engages approximately 40 students annually, empowering them to identify and address local environmental issues in their communities. The students engage in both biodiversity monitoring and restoration activities.
  • In 2021, the team installed bird nesting structures for resident and migratory species. A total of 64 avian species, 53% of which were residents and 46% were migratory, were observed within the first year of placement.
  • The team monitors mammals, birds, reptiles and insects observed in the wetlands and surrounding areas.
  • Cemex holds training workshops designed to engage employees in the existing environmental projects on-site, including garden maintenance and the creation of nest boxes. Approximately 30 individuals are trained each year, with activities designed to match the employees' interests.
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