Camden Plant
Lugoff, South Carolina, United States
Certified through 2025
The INVISTA Camden Plant is located in Camden, South Carolina, approximately 30 miles northeast of Columbia. This site is located in an area used by many species that suffer from limited habitat. Habitats on-site include a wetland area that stretches about 100 acres. Thus, the team is consistently working to provide appropriate habitat for local wildlife and to educate the community about these species.
Practices and Impacts
- The team has installed 21 wood duck boxes, and 13 prothonotary warbler nest boxes are located in the on-site wetlands. The volunteer team maintains the boxes outside of breeding season and monitors them during breeding season. An estimated 24 prothonotary warblers and 32 wood ducks fledged in 2019.
- The team collects monitoring data during the breeding season for 42 bluebird boxes located the Camden Plant property. In addition to monitoring, they replace old nest boxes and remove pests including wasps and ants. Each year, 100 to 200 bluebirds fledge from these nest boxes. The bluebird box project was first established 26 years ago.
- Four bluebird boxes were installed in the community, at assisted living communities and a country club. The team monitors these boxes, using adaptive management from data collected to select locations for the nest boxes to ensure success.
- The team has installed 144 purple martin gourds on the property. Every gourd is maintained and cleaned them, with team members updating the poles used to support the nests. The team uses adaptive management to select locations that are safe and away from plant traffic. The old iron poles have been replaced with 13 new aluminum poles.