Invasive Species: An Introduction | Part 1

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Invasive species pose a significant threat to the environment, damaging both land and water across the U.S. This webinar will provide an introduction to invasive species with a review of the characteristics of terrestrial (plant and insect) and aquatic invasive species, and clarification on the difference between a non-native species and an invasive species, explaining why that distinction matters when managing lands for conservation.

We will also discuss the proximate drivers of species introductions and, using select case studies, we will highlight the damaging impact of invasive species on native population and landscapes.


  • Shefali Mehta, PhD

This webinar is the first in a two-part series of webinars. Participants of this webinar voted to select a species to be explored in-depth in the Invasive Species: Resources and Techniques | Part 2 webinar in November.

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