Citizen Science: Strengthen Your Habitat Projects and Contribute to the Scientific Community

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Join Julie Napolitano and Erin Sweeney from the Wildlife Habitat Council, with special guest Karen Loughrey of Project Noah, for an online course on “citizen science,” the practice of conducting scientific research with the support of amateur or nonprofessional scientists. We will explore how you can use Project Noah, a free mobile application to explore and document local wildlife, to strengthen your conservation education and habitat enhancement efforts. You will learn about Project Noah “missions,” a way to track wildlife encounters and collectively document plants and animals in a given area, and how you can create your own missions to support your program goals. As an added bonus you will hear about our customized Wildlife Habitat Council Mission, and how to participate.

The course will also address:

  • Additional citizen science projects and how involving citizens can help with your community involvement and outreach goals.
  • How participating in citizen science plays an important role in contributing data to the scientific community.

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