Get Involved

Sponsor WHC Events, Content and Programming

Contributions in the form of sponsorships are vital to our mission. These donations fund educational opportunities such as the Conservation Conference and our live webinar series, white papers, as well as WHC operating expenses. Contact us to discuss our current offerings as well as custom sponsorships to fit your business needs.

WHC Conservation Conference

Interact with more than 400 conservation-minded professionals and decision-makers from corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and more. Benefit from exposure to a targeted audience, networking opportunities, and a show of support to the mission of WHC.

WHC White Papers

Sponsorship of WHC white papers helps underwrite the cost of a dedicated team for research, writing, production and distribution, and allows WHC to offer its content free of charge.

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WHC Webinar Series

Sponsorship of the WHC Webinar Series supports valuable learning opportunities, allows WHC to provide webinars free of charge, attracts expert speakers, and uses the most advanced online meeting technology available.

WHC 12-Month Wall Calendar

Feature your company’s conservation work in the 2025 WHC Calendar, filled with beautiful wildlife photography from around the world. Many are taken by WHC member employees, and are a showcase of their co-workers conservation efforts.

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Contact us to explore available  sponsorship opportunities.