WHC Conservation Conference 2024
Interact with more than 400 conservation-minded professionals and decision-makers from corporations, non-profit organizations, federal agencies, civic groups and more. Benefit from exposure to a targeted audience, networking opportunities, and a show of support to the mission of WHC.
Exhibit Booth Package
- 8’x6’ exhibit space with 6’x3’ table and 2 chairs
- Two full Conference registrations, which provides access to all meals, networking and learning sessions
- Complimentary list of attendees (names and organizations only)
- Included on exhibitor listings on website, social media and Conference App
Terms and Conditions
Exhibit space assignments and registrations are not final until payment is received; registration substitutions are allowed. Cancellations by 5/1/24 receive a 50% refund. No refunds after 5/1/24. Cancellation requests must be made in writing
Questions? Contact ConservationConference@wildlifehc.org