Green Infrastructure Project Guidance
Green infrastructure is an approach to mitigating environmental challenges using vegetation, soils and natural processes as part of a living engineered solution.
Green infrastructure is an approach to mitigating environmental challenges using vegetation, soils and natural processes as part of a living engineered solution.
Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) is a system of land management generally associated with infrastructure corridors, now ubiquitous across the landscape, including pipeline, transmission and rail. The corridors traverse a myriad of ecosystems, and by their operational nature, require continuous maintenance. IVM allows for objectives related to conservation to be set for segments of a system, prompting the maintenance and management of those lands according to desired outcomes of biodiversity and habitats.
Enhanced or permanent protection of corporate lands through land conservation agreements means that companies have voluntarily chosen to temporarily or permanently prevent development of an identified property or group of properties. These are lands that have been set aside for a variety of conservation-related purposes. Land conservation agreements can be used to protect water quality, scenic values and wildlife habitat, as well as serve as sites for education on a broad range of conservation issues.
Remediation involves the cleanup of contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment or surface water, with the goal of protecting human health and the environment. The cleanup process can be subject to an array of regulatory requirements from a variety of overseeing agencies and legislation. Remediation projects can occur in urban, rural and suburban environments and have the ability to be transformative for both habitat and community.
During this online learning course WHC Education Specialist, Rebecca Culler, and the Sunflower Foundation’s Program Officer, Elizabeth Stewart, will converse with the WHC Director for Conservation Education and Outreach, Thelma Redick on the effective use of trails. Join the course to gain a deeper understanding on the potential role of trails in WHC conservation and education programs, as well as wellness initiatives. Trails can help your team meet goals in education by providing a platform for learning, including active and STEM-based programs, as well as present a safe and interesting location for instilling a wellness ethic with your community.
Conservation efforts to protect species of concern and their habitats are of particular importance because these species face high risk of further population losses or extinction. Extinction means a permanent loss of biodiversity and any aesthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value that species provided to natural and human systems.